I have this scheme in my views:
<tbody><%= render partial: 'edit_history_inline_user', collection: @presenter.collection, as: :user, cached: Proc.new{|user| [acl_fingerprint, 'history', user.record] } %></tbody>
<td class="align_center"><%= user.first_name %></td><td class="align_center"><%= user.last_name %></td>...
The problem is that when I update the user
model, the data in the _edit_history_inline_user.html.erb are not being updated. If I make some change, though, in the _edit_history_inline_user.html.erb file, such as (adding the --
<td class="align_center"> -- <%= user.first_name %> --</td>
The correct/recently modified data will be displayed. How is that possible? Why the modified data does not show up correctly?
Here's the acl_fingerprint
method that I use in the parent partial view:
def acl_fingerprint Rails.cache.fetch("#{current_admin.cache_key(:current_sign_in_at, :updated_at)}/acl_fingerprint", expires_in: 3.hours) do CacheService.acl_fingerprint(current_admin, params[:controller]) endend
How do I fix this issue?
Any help will be appreciated!