I am creating a messaging app in Rails 6. Where I have a controller called chatroom, when a registered user enters message, it calls messages_controller.
The messages_controller.rb looks like this:
class MessagesController < ApplicationController before_action :require_user def create message = current_user.messages.build(message_params) if message.save # redirect_to root_path ActionCable.server.broadcast 'chatroom_channel', { title: message.body, body: message.body } end end private def message_params params.require(:message).permit(:body) endend
The chatroom_channel.js under javascript/channels:
import consumer from "./consumer"consumer.subscriptions.create("ChatroomChannel", { connected() { // Called when the subscription is ready for use on the server }, disconnected() { // Called when the subscription has been terminated by the server }, received(data) { // Called when there's incoming data on the websocket for this channel window.alert('hi') window.console.log('hi') }});
But for some reason, I can't see any alert or logging to the browser.
The standard output from the server after a message is entered:
Started POST "/message" for at 2020-08-27 03:02:08 +0530Processing by MessagesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"dhkn32ve1N4eIK4Vgg00KcfP/kuEhfhPHGvTLXKlD2c1rtB/9DQTNudSME7sKL4cxe3nS2lQexXhtdLES9mHjg==", "message"=>{"body"=>"Hello, this is a message!!"}, "commit"=>""} User Load (0.2ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]↳ app/controllers/application_controller.rb:5:in `current_user' (0.1ms) begin transaction↳ app/controllers/messages_controller.rb:7:in `create' Message Create (1.2ms) INSERT INTO "messages" ("body", "user_id", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["body", "Hello, this is a message!!"], ["user_id", 1], ["created_at", "2020-08-26 21:32:08.730711"], ["updated_at", "2020-08-26 21:32:08.730711"]]↳ app/controllers/messages_controller.rb:7:in `create' (5.8ms) commit transaction↳ app/controllers/messages_controller.rb:7:in `create'[ActionCable] Broadcasting to chatroom_channel: {:title=>"Hello, this is a message!!", :body=>"Hello, this is a message!!"}No template found for MessagesController#create, rendering head :no_contentCompleted 204 No Content in 28ms (ActiveRecord: 7.4ms | Allocations: 4404)Started GET "/cable" for at 2020-08-27 03:02:15 +0530Started GET "/cable/" [WebSocket] for at 2020-08-27 03:02:15 +0530Successfully upgraded to WebSocket (REQUEST_METHOD: GET, HTTP_CONNECTION: keep-alive, Upgrade, HTTP_UPGRADE: websocket)ChatroomChannel is transmitting the subscription confirmation
The config/cable.yml
file has this content:
development: adapter: redis url: redis://localhost:6379/1test: adapter: testproduction: adapter: redis url: <%= ENV.fetch("REDIS_URL") { "redis://localhost:6379/1" } %> channel_prefix: MessageMe_production
I have redis gem in the Gemfile, and also redis server running on 6379. The rails server is running on port 8080.
Rails.application.routes.draw do mount ActionCable.server, at: '/cable' post 'message', to: 'messages#create' delete 'logout', to: 'sessions#destroy' post 'login', to: 'sessions#create' get 'login', to: 'sessions#new' get 'chatroom/index' get 'chatroom', to: 'chatroom#index' get 'chatroom/help' root to: 'chatroom#index'end
If I insert a console.log('Hello!')
inside the connected()
function I can see that in the browser.
Yes, the data is getting saved, and if I put some code in if message.save
that is executed. Yet, ActionCable's receive() not working.
Am I missing something?