I haven't seen a solution for this anywhere online so here goes. I am setting up simple notifications using ActionCable. When I send a broadcast through either the console or through my app, ActionCable succeeds and has no errors.
ActionCable.server.broadcast("notifications_channel_1", { notification: "Testing" })
[ActionCable] Broadcasting to notifications_channel_1: {:notification=>"Testing"}=> 0
I can see it come through on my redis server as well
1605237545.900905 [1] "publish" "notifications_channel_1" "{"notification":"Testing"}"
The issue is that I am not receiving any data in my channel.js, which currently just writes to console for troubleshooting purposes.
import consumer from "./consumer" consumer.subscriptions.create("NotificationsChannel", { connected() { console.log("connected to the server!") }, disconnected() { console.log("disconnected from the server") },received(data) { console.log("Receiving:"); console.log(data.content); } });
In the browser, I can see my "connected to server!" show up, so I know I am connected, but pushing the test button I have set up doesn't yield a "Receiving: [data]". Below are all of the relevant sections of code in my application:
redis_host = Rails.application.secrets.redis && Rails.application.secrets.redis['host'] || 'localhost' redis_port = Rails.application.secrets.redis && Rails.application.secrets.redis['port'] || 6379 # The constant below will represent ONE connection, present globally in models, controllers, views etc for the instance. No need to do Redis.new everytime REDIS = Redis.new(host: redis_host, port: redis_port.to_i)
Rails.root.join('config/cable.yml') config.action_cable.url = "ws://localhost:3000/cable"
development: adapter: redis url: redis://
<%= link_to "Test Notifications", test_path, method: :post %>
notification_test controller action
def notification_test @project = Project.first create_notification(current_user, @project, "teammate","#{@project.name}: Added to the team! Check out your new dashboard by visiting the project!") end
create_notification function within application_controller.rb
def create_notification(user, project, link, body) notification = Notification.new(user_id: user.id, project_id: project.id, link: link, body: body) notification.save end
after_create_commit { NotificationBroadcastJob.perform_later self }
class NotificationBroadcastJob < ApplicationJob queue_as :default def perform(notification) ActionCable.server.broadcast("notifications_channel_#{notification.user_id}", { notification: render_notification(notification) }) end private def render_notification(notification) ApplicationController.renderer.render(partial: 'notifications/alerts', locals: { notification: notification }) end end
class NotificationsChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel def subscribed stream_from "notifications_#{current_user.id}" end def unsubscribed stop_all_streams end end
<% if defined?(notification) %>><div class="uk-container"><div uk-alert="animation"><a class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a><%= notification.body %></div></div><% end %>
<%= render 'notifications/alerts' %>
I have seen people say that this is a rails 5 issue that was resolved with rails 6, but I am running rails 6 and still having this issue.
rails --version
Is there a fix for this? How do I get that beautiful "Receiving: [data]" to show up in my console?