If I am saving a video file onto the server that is greater than 5mb. Should I create a background job for saving this file?
How should this be done? My video model has a title, description and attachment columns/fields. All fields are required.
In def create, instead of doing "if @video.save", I should do something like "if Resque.enqueue(Save, @video)"?
I am not exactly sure how this can be done, since passing an argument to Resque.enqueue() turns it into a hash. Second, with ""if Resque.enqueue(Save, @video)"", expects a true or false. However, Resque.enqueue can't return anything. Or am I wrong?
Button line is. What is the appropriate way to save a record using a background worker with resque + redis?
Ideally, I was thinking it should look something similar to:
def create @video = Video.new(params[:video]) respond_to do |format| if Resque.enqueue(Save) ... endendmodule Save @queue = :save def self.perform video = Video.new(params[:video]) video.save return true endend
What are your thoughts?