I am attempting to use the Ruby Redis client redis-rb to connect to an Azure Redis Cache configured for clustering.
What I've tried:
I have used this related question to successfully connect to a non-clustered Azure Redis Cache. I can also use this to connect to a clustered Azure Redis Cache, which correctly reports MOVED
when I attempt to get or set keys:
Redis::CommandError (MOVED 1234 address_here:port_here)
I have seen this documentation for creating the connection with cluster
Nodes can be passed to the client as an array of connection URLs.
nodes = (7000..7005).map { |port| "redis://{port}" } redis = Redis.new(cluster: nodes)
You can also specify the options as a Hash. The options are the same as for a single server connection.
(7000..7005).map { |port| { host: '', port: port } }
I have used these examples to build an example against the single available DNS endpoint that fails with the following error:
irb(main):024:0> client = Redis.new(cluster: ["redis://my-redis-cluster.redis.cache.windows.net:6379"])
Redis::CannotConnectError (Redis client could not connect to any cluster nodes)
I've tried each variant of this listed in the documentation, with the same results.
Azure Cache for Redis exposes the clustered nodes on a single DNS endpoint, while this redis-rb cluster parameter seems to expect a collection of known node endpoints.
Is it possible to use this library to connect to a clustered Azure Redis Cache? And if so, what would a reproducible example of this look like? If it is not possible with redis-rb, but is possible with another Ruby Redis client, I would also be interested in that solution.