Migrating from one service to IBM Cloud for Redis.
I cannot find the correct configuration to connect using TLS. Everything I find on this is related to Heroku. and it ignores verifying the TLS/SSL connection.
I cannot find how to configure our Sidekiq/Redis to connect.
I do have a certificate from the IBM Cloud dashboard and I suspect I have to pass that along somehow.
Configure the Sidekiq.yml like this
:redis: :url: "rediss://:< PWD >@< DB Name >:< PORT >/0" :namespace: "app" :ssl_params: ca_file: 'path/to/cert'
I keep getting back the error Redis::CommandError - WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair or user is disabled.:
however using these same credentials in the migration script I am able to connect to the DB, so the credentials are ok, I think it is not including the certificate correctly and I cannot find the correct way to do this